Adding a Channel to the IPTV Portal
Navigate to the Z-IP TV Admin menu and static channels, select the new
channel button.
Enter Channel Number, Name,
Description (optional), multicast IP address, and port. You may add this
channel to a group by selecting the check box next to the associated group and
publishing the changes. If you do not choose to add this channel to a group at
this time, you will need to do so later via the Content Groups screen.
If you choose to use the
content groups screen, navigate to the Content Groups tab and select the group
where you wish to add the channel.
A list of all available video assets, including VOD when applicable, will
appear on the right hand pane.
Select the check box for all video assets that you wish to add to the selected
group and publish the changes.
The system will automatically publish these changes to all EPs, the next time
you select a menu, power cycle a device, or reload Z-IP TV you should see the new
channels available for selection.