Amino H150 IP Configuration and Channel Set-Up

Amino H150 IP Configuration and Channel Set-Up

1. Connect a USB keyboard, HDMI and Ethernet cable(optional) to the Amino and then power it on.
The USB keyboard must be connected before powering on the unit for the Amino to recognize it.

2. After you reach the Amino home screen, Press “ALT+ M”. You will see the login for the Management portal. Password: leaves
(If the keyboard is not responding, power cycle the unit)

3. Select the Browser tab using the keyboard (up/down arrow, tab and enter keys)and make sure that the home page is set to “file://mnt/nv/index.html” If not, click Enter and type the password: snake
if prompted. Change the homepage to: “file://mnt/nv/index.html"

4. Navigate to the “DHCP” tab and press Enter. Press Enter again to change the DHCP parameter from Enabled to Disabled and press Enter. You will be prompted to enter a password.
Password is snake
.  If you are setting this device to a static IP address, you may enter that information now or skip to the next step.

5. Reboot the device by selecting the Reboot tab and hitting Enter. Press Enter again and select yes and Press Enter.

Once the device reboots, please wait until you see the Opera home screen.

6. Press “Alt + C” to configure the channels.
Password is: letmein

7. The unit already has a preconfigured channel list. To start fresh, select a range of channels from 1 to 52, select Edit Range and press Enter. Go to the bottom of the channel list and select the Wipe All button. This will clear all fields. Now enter the desired number of channels you will be creating and select Edit Range and hit Enter. You are ready to input your new channels.

8. Configure all the desired channels as below:
Quick Tip: Control-C and Control-V will work for copying and pasting within the interface.


a. For multicast channels:
igmp://[Multicast IP Address]:[PortNumber]
Example: igmp://

b. For unicast channels:
udp://[The Amino local IP Address]:[Port Number]

9. Scroll down using the keyboard, select "Save/View Video" and click Enter.

10. If you did not set a Static IP address for the unit, now is the time to go back to the Management screen by pressing "ALT+M" and enabling DHCP.

11. You can now use the remote control to change the channels.

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