The devices ship with DHCP enabled as the default. Here are the two methods to updated the IP
address of the devices.
make sure pop ups are enabled
a pop up will request username and password
U: administrator
P: iptvendpoint
open the networking tab and enter the appropriate IP address, subnet and gateway
will be prompted for a password or can go directly to the bottom of the
webpage and enter the password, password is "vitecdss"
Select save button
You will be prompted for a password, password is "vitecdss"
Device should reboot to appropriate IP address
Offline/Not Receiving DHCP:
Plug USB keyboard into device
Power Cycle Device
Alt+M to access management screen
Password "leaves"
Navigate to DHCP tab and press enter
Arrow over to disable DHCP, press enter
If prompted for password, password is "vitecdss"
Enter appropriate IP address, subnet, and gateway
Press Enter after each change to commit save
Reboot device